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Writing and Artwork

In addition to the oral history and film making, children worked with their class teachers to write poems, historical pieces, and even recipes, all inspired by the market. They also worked with local artist Sally Booth to make artwork in-situ, drawing the stalls and products on sale on them. These, along with the writing and the film, formed part of a three day exhibition run by the children who hosted over 300 visitors including stall holders, shoppers, as well as special visits from their local MP and also their local councillors.

There are just a few of the many wonderful pieces of work on this page with more to be added to the blog soon.

There is currently an exhibition of more of this work at Tooting Market until February 11th 2017 so pop down and have a look.

Thanks to Broadway Market for giving the children the shop.


Tooting Market
by Ayesha

Adults Rushing to work
Taking shortcuts through the market
The Wind whipped in the air
Whilst it blew my hair.
Market sellers organising their stock
Each from many countries
Each too busy to be spoken to.

Adults whizzing by me
Buying food from the Chinese shop.
They hoped not to miss the bus
It was far away
They're making such a fuss.
As I walked around
Shop owners requested me to buy their products
Which were all from different countries.
They called out
"Buy one get one free; Great bargains over here!"
In this case I did.

The centre of the hallway
Looked dull and blank.
Though beside this hallway
The colour blinded your eyes.
The smells of food couldn't be beaten
But they would rather be preferred eaten.

The market had everything I need
I knew many people there.
We treated each other with kindnessand care.
I rushed back home before the market would close.
Tooting is great,
It makes me feel right at home.

A Refugee's Market
by Gregor Maggs

I freeze,
I feel like afish caught in a net
No Escape
The shops are like mouse holes
No Space, crammed, scared

Bags being carried, bags under eyes
Animals in butcher no longer looking
No escape
The hustle and bustle of people
Isolated in the eye of the storm

An ocean of people rushing by
Mindless clones slowly moving between shops
No escape
Shop holders nonchalantly listening to music
Customers walking, trapped in a Labyrinth

Taste buds forcing me to try the food
Sizzling of frying, whizzing of blenders
Lingering smells Tickle my nose
As nice as home, happy, safe.


Tooting Market poem

Exhibition on Broadway Market Exhibition on Broadway Market - Tooting Images images Images images images