Portobello Road
Leather Lane
Church Street
Press & Screening
It's nice not to let the history of an area die and it's good the children are doing something to remember it.
I was asked to participate in the project and be interviewed, now I'm sorry I said no. It's lovely.
Local resident
It was excellent. I was surprised as to how articulate everyone was. Older people don't get a chance to tell their story very often. This might be their last chance.
Local resident
The Market is disappearing and changing and the film shows that and it's great it has been recorded. Well done.
Local resident
You can send comments to the film-makers here
Sharing the film at a school assembly in front of 195 of their peers; introducing the film at their assembly; shoppers, traders and local residents watching the film; student volunteers collecting feedback from the public and the young film makers celebrating a good but soggy day.